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The car accident claim process

We’ll take down the details of the accident

In the next step, our New Claims Team will collect and document all of the key details of the accident. We use this information to put together your case, but first, we need to determine if your accident claim is one that we’re able to successfully process.

We’ll ask for the following information to help accurately assess your claim:

  1. Accident Date and Time:
    • Exact date and time that accident occurred.
  2. Location:
    • The specific location of the accident.
  3. Your Vehicle Details:
    • Make, model, year and colour
    • Registration Number
  4. Details of the Other Vehicle(s) Involved:
    • Make, model, year and colour
    • Registration Number
    • Driver’s Name and Contact Information
    • Insurance Details
  5. Driver Details:
    • Your Full Name
    • Contact Number
    • Address
    • Driving License Number
    • Insurance Details
  6. Accident Circumstances:
    • Description of how the accident happened
    • Road and weather conditions at the time
    • Any other relevant information
  7. Witness Information (if any):
    • Names and contact details of any witnesses.
  8. Photos/videos of the Accident Scene:
    • Clear images showing the vehicles involved and any damage caused.
  9. Police Report (if applicable):
    • Details of any police involvement or a copy of the police report.
  10. Any Additional Information:
    • Anything else you believe is important for us to know.

Note: Providing accurate and complete information is crucial for a smooth claims process. If you are unsure about anything, feel free to ask our New Claims team. They will be happy to answer any questions you may have at this stage.

Next Steps: Once all the details have been collected, our team will review the information. We review this information to determine that you were not at fault in the accident. From this, we’ll confirm if we are able to take on your claim and also advice which non-fault claim route you’ll need to take.

Request a callback

One of our advisors will call you back. Or, call us now on 0330 128 1407

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